Sleepless nights are an enemy to all and a friend to some. Greeting it with pride only makes you vulnerable to one thing, YOUR THOUGHTS. Sometimes you wake up the next morning hoping to acquired some rest to continue on with your day. But your mind is an endless tunnel that drains every bit of energy you have left in hopes of finding the light at the end of the tunnel. A great human tragedy. The body and the mind suffer as one before one takes complete control. I don't really remember how it all started but overall I started noticing that I was always restless and always had this uneasy state of mind. Going to school as a pre-med student could go two different ways. Either you find a way to cope with your anxiety or you let it consume you by negative thoughts. Sometimes my body would be exhausted but my mind would wander aimlessly. Unnecessary thoughts. Eating a meal is a problem of its own. You'll be starving, right when you sit down to eat a meal, anxious and negative thoughts will come to your mind and just like that your appetite is gone. Nausea. Those endless nights turned into something creative that could be more than just a clothing brand. I created ANXIETYY so others throughout the world could relate and engage in our problems through art. My clothing is a representation of how I coped with my anxiety and that all of us can too with the right attitude.